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"Above all that must be preserved, keep your innermost reason, for it is on the disposition of your heart that your whole life depends." Proverb 4.23

Physical health
Mental health

"Having worked muscles is life insurance" Unknown

Good shape

A publication in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2014 reported that muscle mass deficits occur at all ages and are related to a greater likelihood of dying from any cause, as well as metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

The muscles not only maintain posture, balance and movement, “they also have very significant metabolic functions”, says the endocrinologist and nutritionist at the Hospital de La Princesa, in Madrid, Begoña Molina. 

 For example, 63% of patients arriving at the ICU have little muscle mass, and the percentage is even higher in those over 65 years of age.

Those who go to the operating room with less muscle suffer more postoperative complications and have longer hospital stays.

Those with more muscles, statistics indicate, when subjected to traumatology, recover before those who don't have as much muscle mass.

These are more than enough reasons to get in shape.

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Mental health

"Emotional intelligence and neuroscience have already proven to us that mental health determines the level of your quality of life." Tiago Brunet

Just as you take care of your body by eating right and exercising, you can do things to protect your mental health and develop internally.  

Starting with self-knowledge and self-management, you can and should develop your emotional intelligence.

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